Detox and Realign the Mind and Body by Combining Bodywork, and Mindset work.
Detox and Realign the Body
- one-45 minute Raindrop Therapy Session (essential oil therapy)
- one-40 minute Endermologie (Increases lymph and circulation by 200% and increases movement of tight muscles)
- Three-60 minute Customized Therapeutic Massages
Detox and Realign the Mind
- one-Initial Mindset Session (2 hours)
- one- Mindset Session to discover your "blind spots" and determine what subconsciously (automatically) motivates and drives you
- one- Mindset Session to create a personalized system to move you from where you are to where you want to be, easily and naturally
- one- Mindset Session to wipe the past clean by releasing anger, fear, sadness, hurt, guilt and limiting beliefs and decisions
- one-Mindset Session to Create the Life of Your Dreams and How to Get it!
This program is only available to coach-able, motivated women who are ready for a radical change in your life!
You must be local as all of the sessions are designed for face to face, in office sessions.